Nazca Lines Tour and Ballestas and Paracas Reserve Tour
Duration: 2 Days / 1 Night
Price: $459 USD

The Nazca Lines tour is a unique chance to get to know one of the most important archeological wonder of the world. The Nazca Lines are a group of geometrical shapes and animals and human designs that were carved two thousand years ago in the Nazca desert in Peru. These lines are visible from the air and can only be appreciated fully from a Cessna 208 plane with a bilingual pilot and copilot.

The Tour includes a flight through the Nazca Lines that takes approximately one hour and forty minutes. Also, the tour includes a visit to the Ballestas Islands, an archipelago formed by rocks and small islands that is located in the Paracas bay and it is home to a great variety of sea birds and sea mammals.

The Paracas National Reserve is a natural reserve that is located in the Paracas peninsula and is home of a great variety of native plants and unique animals. The tour includes a visit to the reserve and the chance to see some species that inhabit it closely like flamingos, pelicans and sea lions.

In summary, this tour offers the opportunity to get to know some of most important the natural and archeological wonders of Peru, such as the Nazca Lines and the Paracas National Reserve and also to enjoy the beauty and the biodiversity of the Ballestas Islands.

Do not miss it!